The Foody was recently featured in an article in Good Magazine: The Secret To Tasty, Healthy Food: Grow It In The Sky.
Here's an excerpt...
...Other enterprises are focusing on more small-scale solutions: bringing vertical farming straight to the consumer’s home. Foody Inc., a company located three hours east of Seattle, manufactures hydroponic stacking plant towers that are made for residential and retail use. Company founder Greg Hendrick explains that Foody Towers enable farmers to grow nearly 40 plants (primarily herbs) in a little over two feet of ground space. Synchronized motors slowly rotate the stacked pots, allowing each plant a turn in sunlight, while a magnetic pump drives oxygenated water with liquid nutrients to the topmost pot, obviating the need for soil or fertilizer.
“Our chief concern,” Hendrick explains, “is making food accessible in a way that is healthy, environmentally friendly and financially conservative.”
Indeed, Foody’s vertical gardening towers are working to do just that—in Microsoft’s corporate offices, at a café installation at The Hague, throughout kitchens and school lunchrooms across the Pacific Northwest. The Foody 12 Hydroponic tower retails for $329.00, making it an affordable option for households that don’t have access to a backyard.